Friday 19 February 2010

The Sacred

Is it feasible and indeed possible to live a life which is constantly infused with and in tune with the sacred?

I'd be interested to hear how you invite the sacred into your life...please write me...

I have begun to ask myself this question as I settle into my journey living here in Glastonbury. Having just got back in from singing bajans at Shekinashram, a b&b which also doubles up as an ashram, I noticed my inner world lifted by the sense of community, devotion, communion and joy present in the room. For the first time, I actually really enjoyed myself at one of these singalongs.

And I am wondering, how in my daily life, do I bring this sense of connection, joy and sacredness to my work, my interactions, my friendships, my lover, my hobbies. If what we focus on we tend to constellate, is it possible to entertain the divine in our lives in any given moment?

How would it be to live each day, in continuity, in awe and wonder at the absolute miracle that is life? To tred the earth in gratitude for this green planet we have inherited and whose fate rests delicately in our hands....I realise I rarely stop to consider or even feel grateful for the blessings that already are so present and abundant in my life, for my family, for my friends and for all those reach out to me in friendship.

Starting right now, as I sit here, what can I do differently to pay hommage to the divine? And then as tomorrow dawns - when I get up, and I take my first step, what will be different?

Suddenly I feel it lends a whole new perspective to how I may begin and approach my moment by moment existence. I am already sensing a stillness within me as I write this...I am noticing a space of quiet opening up ... a deepening where there is 'no mind'....where the Wu Wei within me can breathe and guide me.


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